Hi! We are a small team with a big dream operating from.. (as you might have already guessed) The Netherlands! - where the people are DUTCH. and they speak DUTCH. but the country is called The Netherlands. We admit, that is confusing.
So just remember: We are DUTCH.!
We are not just one of those cosmetics brands (in our case; cosmetX). We are young, we are refreshing and we like to do it a little different.
But don't believe us that easily. Let us prove ourselves! Our actions will speak louder than any words you will read in this blog.
So.. JOIN THE JOURNEY! Be part of the next generation of cosmetics. Where there should not be a choice in cruelty and cruelty free products. Where cruelty free is the standard. Where we care about the environment. Where we recycle and source the best materials. And of course, where we care about ourselves. Where we care about what we put on our faces/in our bodies because what we put on our lips will eventually end up in our body. Let's go vegan, Let's go gluten & nut free!
We care. We care about the animals, environment and you!
We care about a lot, but there is something that we really don't care about.. and that is who wants to be part of our community. We don't care about how you present yourself or what you identify as or any of that. We produce make-up for e-very-one! Excuse me, one sec.. to the people in the back.. EVERYONE! We will not tolerate any kind of discrimination (ok. so our community is not for everyone.. not for racists, sexists, homophobes, ageist, transphobes - any type of discriminators).
Let's end this on a happy note..
Team DUTCH. celebrates our uniqueness, our similarities and our differences. Own who you are!
*Shipping our love for lip products world wide!